Lucky for us, the market is inundated with thousands of selections for tile. Sometimes sifting through all the options can be overwhelming, so occasionally I just take a moment to see whats new on eh market. This year has brought us many great new options for tile – with some exciting new trends emerging.
One of the best new trends is “green” tile, made from recycled material. Every other avenue of design has some great options for going green – and the new tiles are not only gorgeous, they are affordable too! Recycled glass options are becoming ever more popular, and Statements Tile in the sodo district of Seattle has a great new 40% recycled content porcelain.
Another great tile trend is some new stones that are on the market. Soft stones like limestone and marbles with a smooth finish are making there way into contemporary and traditional interiors. Ann Sacks in Seattle has always been on the forefront of stone trends, and currently they are showing some stones that like wood, will have different patterns when cut different ways.
Lastly, we have been seeing mixed medium mosaics (metal/stone/glass) for some time. Ann Sacks and some other tile manufacturers have stepped it up a notch, creating mixed media mosaics with interesting shapes. Soft tones and smooth textures lend to the contemporary feel.